How the Wizard of Oz Represented America Jenson beachy

representation of American farmers and their troubles in the late 19th century
representing the industrial workers, especially those of American steel industries
metaphor for William Jennings Bryan who was a dominant force in the populist wing of the Democratic Party, standing three times as the Party's nominee for President of the United States
Dorothy is an orphan living with her Aunt Em and Uncle Henry on a farm in Kansas.
The Yellow Brick Road represents the gold standard. It is shiny and pretty but is in some places broken up and has holes.
Munchkins are short, dark hared people who talk funny and dress only in blue. They represent the Jewish, Italian, and darker immigrants.
Toto is Dorothy's suspicious little dog. He is careful and intelligent, and is always suspicious of new characters, especially the Cowardly Lion. While in Kansas everything is gray-including Aunt En and Uncle Henry-but Toto, making Dorothy laugh and keeping her happy, is able to keep Dorothy from turning Gray
In the book, Dorothy's shoes are silver, not ruby. The Silver Shoes represent the silver standard, seen as the key to the return of prosperity for the farmers.
The Wizard of Oz: The Wizard of Oz is the ruler of the land of Oz and lives in Emerald city. He is believed to be very powerful and able to change shape. All he really is, is a con-man and a ventriloquist. The Wizard of Oz represents president McKinley. The Stork: The Stork, only appearing in the book, saves the Scarecrow form the river after he is left hanging on a stick.
winged monkeys are rowdy and uncontrollable until the Wicked Witch of the East curses them. She creates a golden cap that forces the Monkeys to perform three wishes for the person who possesses it. The Wicked Witch of the East uses them to control the Winkies and make them her slaves. The Winged Monkeys represent the railroads who were allowed to go wild until the banks (witches) took control of them. With the railroads, the banks could control the Chinese immigrants, through low wages and opium.
thought that the Wizard of Oz represents Mark Hanna, who was the Republican party's chairman, or perhaps president of the United States.
thought that the tornado represents the free silver movement or political upheaval. During the time that the story was written, American farmers were suffering from the effects of federal deflation. Their debts were growing larger as they were getting less money for their crops and other goods. The farmers wanted the dollar value to have fixed ratios of both gold and silver. Some politicians supported this movement and others didn’t.
abbreviation that stands for gold, a hot political topic of the day where people were rallying for fixed gold and silver ratios.

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