Stock Market Project Koki otsu

A stock is the ownership certificates for any company and a share is the ownership certificates for the specific company. Dividend means that when you have a stock, the company share their profits to people who has their companies stock. The major world markets are NASDAQ in the US, London Stock Exchange Group in United Kingdom and Italy, Japan Exchange Group – Tokyo in Japan and Shanghai Stock Exchange in China. Ticker symbol is attached to identify the listed companies and products in the stock market. Is use money as funds that got from investor. And profits of the funds were shared to investors, but if there were no profits, you will lose your money. Supply and demand are the amount of a commodity, product, or service available and the desire of buyers for it, considered as factors regulating its price. When demand for a stock increases, its price usually increases. Conversely, stock prices tend to fall when there is an ample supply of shares or decreased demand. The pros of the stock market is that you could gain the money but, cons of the stock market is that you could lose the money.

In my portfolio, Netflix is doing the best and Dr Pepper is doing the worst. I have no idea what made them good and bad. First I sold Nike because it was doing so bad. And I bought Amazon’s stock because my friend told me that it went up but it went down when I bought the stock of Amazon so I sold it. Most stocks that I bought are doing well so I want them to continue or do more well.

In my portfolio, Netflix was the best and Adidas was the worst. I searched up and thought by myself but I couldn’t find why it’s doing well or bad. If I was to redo this project, I’m going to buy that the stock doing bad right now. In my experience, most bad stock’s price went up. Bad stocks are cheap so it is easy to buy. I might invest in Samsung because Samsung's stock went down because of accident of Samsung’s phone. I believe it goes up again. I have learned that we should buy the stock doing bad and it has expectation that is going up.

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