Good Food Good food to me is home-cooked, home grown, fresh, and family centered

Good food is home-cooked so you know what you are eating and what ingredients are in your meals.
Good food is home grown. No harsh chemicals and fresh produce.
Good food is fresh. Produce is freshly picked, good color, and juicy.
Good food is family centered. Family works together to make good food that is free from harsh chemicals.
Good food is healthy. Good food is heart healthy and makes you feel good after eating it.
Good food is handled with love and care.
Good food is washed properly and prepared accurately.
Good food is organic so it's free from chemical fertilizers.
Good food is free of hormones, genetically modified organisms, and dyes.
Good food is not contaminated and is stored correctly.


Created with images by Artistic-touches - "Farming" • ayeletphotography - "cut food cooking" • meganelford0 - "potato field crops" • cookbookman17 - "Fresh Berries" • Paul Schultz - "Family Breakfast" • Aproximando Ciência e Pessoas - "Frutas e Vegetais" • aneesprince - "Love Flowers" • steve p2008 - "cow" • MichaelGaida - "fruit fruit stand fruits" • lumix2004 - "orchard apple apples" • - "Cherry Tomatoes"

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