Favorite and Least Favorite Movies by Jordan R. Wilson

A film is truly something special. A film can be anything. It can show death, despair and tragedy or happiness and light. It can portray a wide range of plots, emotions, thoughts, actions, and anything a filmmaker puts his mind to. The possibilities are almost limitless. Many are good. Some are great. Few are legendary. Of course, for every good movie, there are plenty of duds. A film is not an easy thing to make. Everything must work together; the acting, the score, the effects, the camera angles, the script, and so much more. This is where the good films excel and the poor films fall short. In my short life, I haven't seen very many movies. But of those I've seen a few stick out as my own personal favorites.

Beauty and the Best is one of the finest works of animation ever created. Any movie made by Walt Disney Animation Studios is almost guaranteed to be good, and Beauty and the Beast is no exception. The voice acting is incredible. The animation is beautiful. Every song from Be Our Guest to the titular Beauty and the Beast is a masterpiece. And masterpiece is nothing unusual for master songwriter and composer Alan Menken who has composed songs for other Disney hits such as The Little Mermaid, Pocahontas, and Tangled.

Even taking off the nostalgia glasses, the movie holds up on its own, able to appeal to adults and children alike. The movie also make history at the 1991 Oscars when it was nominated for Best Picture, the first animated film to receive that honor. While not winning, (Silence of the Lambs took the gold statue) Beauty and the Beast truly left it's mark on film history as a great film

I was debating with myself about which Pixar film to include on this list. I almost selected WALL-E, Toy Story 3, and Inside Out. In the end, none of those could match up with Up, the heartwarming tale of an old man and a young boy floating away to South America in a house carried by thousands of balloons. It's a fantastic movie all around. The animation is breathtaking. The characters are complex, and the emotions in the film are conveyed well, something Pixar has always been a master at.

The best part of the film is its ability to appeal to all ages. Everyone from young children to grandparents can find something to enjoy in the film. It has heartwarming moments, tearjerker scenes, and clever comedy all wrapped up in a fun adventure. And its greatness was not unrecognized. It became the second animated film to receive the Best Picture nomination (the third would be Toy Story 3 one year later) and won Best Animated Picture.

This clip alone should show you just how great Up is.

Of course, for every good movie, there are some bad ones. Some are so bad that they become good. Some are just plain terrible, but can be ignored. Some movies though are just so bad that it makes you ashamed to have even watched it in the first place.

This movie is awful. But, it's a special kind of awful. Super Mario Bros. is a movie so bad that it becomes good. This type of movie is sometimes called a Z movie. The script was awful and unfunny. The plot deviated so far from the source material that it wouldn't be recognizable as a film adaptation of the Mario franchise if it wasn't in the title. The tone was odd, the set design was odder, and despite a decent cast the movie overall failed to deliver.

But despite all of this, it is enjoyable to watch and laugh about just how bad it is. It isn't offensively bad or unbearably bad. It's just bad and one can only appreciate it terribleness fully if one watches it for themselves.

The Tale of Despereaux is an animated film based on the children's novel of the same name. I read this book in the fifth grade and absolutely loved it. As you can probably tell by now, I love animated movies, so why wouldn't I watch this adaptation of a book I loved? It is a tale about a mouse living in a castle who likes to read books instead of eating them. At least, that's the beginning. The world around the castle and mouse evolve in an exceptional way. The main characters are so wonderfully complex and the whole book has quite a bit of depth to it. The movie failed to accurately convey any meaning whatsoever leaving a vapid, shallow, pile of steaming trash they tried to pass off as a film.

The movie deviated heavily from the source material. The voice acting was sub-par. The humor was non-existent. Even the animation was just meh. I may be leaning very heavy on the nostalgia side, but having recently re-read the book, I can safely say that my hatred is justified.


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