IUF1000 Spark Story Francesca Reicherter

This exhibit captured my attention because it reminds me of home. Back in South Florida, I lived near the beach. After school, my friends and I would walk to the beach and get some ice cream. This exhibit taught me to appreciate the beauty of nature. Before this exhibit, I never really appreciated how the sand and ocean meet or how the sky looks as it reflects over the water. This museum was my first ever visit to a museum; I think what I liked most was how different the exhibits in the museum were, but how great they all came together.
Pictured behind me is a photo from Knights Legacy, which brings me attention to the extinction of animals. As I wen through the museum, I noticed all the exhibits that showed animals that were extinct. This really hit me hard, because many beautiful animals that I never even learned about were gone forever. My friends and I just stared at the exhibits of animals that were extinct and imagined how their lives would be. This experience made me want to take care of the creatures God put on the Earth so my kids and grandkids can appreciate their beauty in person and not through art.
Pictured behind me is the bones of an animal that I love dearly, a mammoth. Mammoths are similar to elephants, which I was lucky enough to ride over the summer. This helps me appreciate the majesty of the world, because it shows the simplicity of all of us. Beneath all of our skin, smiles, and bellies are our bones. All of our bone structures structures are similar, yet we are all different. I find this mysterious yet beautiful. The Natural History museum helps us step out of our normal lives to a place where we can look at life from the outside and appreciate the simple things that demonstrate our connections to each other.


Exhibits the pictures are from: Historical Artifacts Exhibit Native American Legacy Gallery Florida Fossils Exhibit

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