President Wanted Juan vargas

Qualifications: The formal qualifications that are needed for this job is that you are required to be at least the age of 35, you must be a citizen of the U.S., and you must be a local resident.

3 Informal Qualities: Informal qualities that may be required or would be great to have this position are that you have to know how to manage money, government experience and political beliefs.

3 Formal Qualities: Three qualities that can be helpful to earn yourself the position are that you need to deal with great amount of stress, know how to calm down people in case of emergency, and multitask.

Job Description: As the president of the U.S. you are to be the Commander in Chief and deploy troops to a necessary place.

Benefits and Salary: Annual pay of president is 400,000 to 200,000 a year.


Created with images by Ronile - "statue of liberty new york ny"

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