A Bold Plan To Prevent Homelessness By: The Editorial board (Ny times)

"About 80,000 FAMILIES in New York are at risk of homelessness each year."

"It can’t be said enough that New York’s homelessness crisis is complicated. In a city where people are squeezed beyond their means by rising rents, just one of any number of additional stresses — a lost job, sickness, addiction, domestic violence — can propel a family into the shelter system or the street."(Single-Item)

Many innocent people are dying of thirst and starvation as we take footsteps. Why does humanity take the world greedily and not care for others? In cities, people are compacted into tiny rooms to live, but some people don't EVEN live. We see this all the time. Let us unify - and create justice from such a horrific sight in the streets.(Creative)

Who- Sufferers in the streets

What- Shortage of homes for people


Where- Urban areas; cities

Why/How: People lose their jobs, drugs, violence

"About 80,000 families in New York are at risk of homelessness each year. A serious effort by the Legislature this year to protect them would be better than the inadequate existing rental assistance programs, and better for protecting stable neighborhoods in New York City and communities across the state." (Single-Item)

Thousands of people are in danger from such a horrible injustice. We could make a strong cause as a country to end homelessness as a whole. If we as humans make programs, and focus thoroughly on how to stop homelessness, we may be able to create justice.


Created with images by gessingerbildwerk - "road city at night"

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