Trip To Chaco A 3 Day journey


Today we finally arrived at Chaco park. This place is beautiful. We are planning on camping tonight if the weather isn't bad. Right now the weather is hot and sunny. It's around 86 degrees.

This is the sign we saw as we came in.

Day 2

Last night was awesome! Somehow I actually slept on the rocky ground here. I plan on taking lots of pictures today.

An old Chaco house

This is so cool! we just found this old Chaco house! I took this picture above. We climbed around a little and continued exploring.

So now we are going to bed in our tent. Today was awesome and I took so many pictures!

Some of the pictures I took.

Day 3

Today is our last day here so we are going to an old Chaco village. This village was where the Chaco people lived and worked. There is a single lonely tree here. I wonder why there aren't more... Probably because of this heat! I drank 3 water bottles thoday!

The village

Now it's getting late and I'm getting homesick but the sky is beautiful tonight so I'm going to take a few pictures and head out...

The sky tonight

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