Cats By sophia sandoval

Cats have claw some where only couple of people know.cats hide them in little slots that is very cool.the slots are black and when the cat is mad that is when it takes the claw out.that is very cool.when the cat is over with the madness the claws go in the slots.that is also very you think that is cool.

Cats hide with their color.In this picture this cats is hiding in a tree that is its color.I think that is a cool way to you?cats have blending colors so they can hide.that is also very cool. cats hide in very cool places. Do you like haw they hide?

cats eye sight.Cats widen their eyes when it is night so they see.Cats see better in the dark that is why they widen their eyes.Do you think that is cool?Cats narrow their eyes in the day time so they can see.Cats narrow them because they see better with them narrowed.Do you think that is cool?Cats are great.

thank you the pictures are pictures that you learned about


Created with images by Alexas_Fotos - "cat face close" • barockschloss - "Claws" • Didgeman - "cat watch climb" • Patrick Feller - "The eyes of an old black cat" • brownpau - "Paw" • Felinest - "Cat Eye Close Up" • tomroberts1492 - "Hide & Seek."

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