Long Term Goals By : Payne Mallery

One year goals

I want to get better at keeping my grades up and turning everything in for school, I would also like to keep up with my art so I can continue to get better. I want to get a job and start saving up for my own place because, I plan on moving out when I turn 18.

Three year goals

In three years I want to see myself be successful in school and giving back to the community so I can help as much as possible. I also would like to start getting ready to get a house and car so I can progress with my life.

Five year goals

Five year goals that I have is that I want to have my own house and car. I also want to be wiser and mentally stronger for my younger siblings to help guide them and give them a proper example for life.

My ten year goals

My ten year goals are to have a job as a tattoo artist and to be saving up for my own shop because it is something that I find very fun and enjoyable to do. I would also like to travel all around the country because, I've lived in AZ all my life and want to go to other places. I would also like to be able to teach people how to draw because, I have enjoyed drawing all my life that I wanna share my experiences and talent with others.


Created with images by JohnONolan - "Tattoo Machine" • jarmoluk - "apple education school" • mikeg44311 - "2015 Stevie Awards 0215" • Jason Pratt - "House" • The Other Pete - "American Electric Tattoo"

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