Jan Van Eyck Khadija Mir


Date of Birth: Jan Van Eyck was born approximately in the year 1390.

Place of Birth: According to a 16th century tradition, his supposed place of birth was in Maaseik which is near Maastricht in the province of Limburg.

Mostly Spent Life in: Bruges as he was the peintre et varlet de chambre to Philip the Good, Duke of Burgundy.

Education/ Training: The fact that Eyck had any education/training is not proven to be true but is thought of to be true. It is predicted that he had education/training since he already had apprentices when he arrived at the Hague. More questionable evidence of his edcuation is that he signed his artworks.

Life/Lifestyle: Eyck lived a lavish life since he was paid enormous sums for his unique paintings.

Occupation: Painter

Three of the Many Works Produced:

Virgin in a Church
Man in a Red Turban

Patrons: John, Count of Bavaria-Holland. Philip the Good, Duke of Burgundy.

The Work

Giovanni Arnolfini and His Wife

Date of Creation: 1434

Where Can We See This Today?: National Gallery Museum in London, United Kingdom.

What was so significant about this piece?: Complex symbolism and amazing detail.

Were there any new techniques (literary, artistic, etc.) used in the creation of this piece? If so, what were they?: Oil paint on wood.

Why did I find this piece so interesting?: This piece looked very lovely and I felt as if there was no other emotion except for love. There was no harmful/bad feelings from this art. It was also very visually pleasing.

“Isms”/Renaissance ideals that are closely linked to Eyck:

Naturalism: The way Eyck paints the light on the people makes the painting seem more natural. If a person was standing in front of the couple, they would see the light on their face just like how Eyck painted it.

Humanism: This piece of artwork only focuses on the couple and their love for each other.

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