The Divine: A Play for Sarah Bernhardt by Dylan Rudolph

The Spacial Experience

As my friend and I entered the Constans Theatre, we were running a bit late. This can be seen in the picture as we were quite literally running at this point. I made sure to include this picture to portray that we could not find any parking within a two mile radius. My feelings when I entered the theatre were nervous because we were a minute late and I was remembering that Ms. Capaldo said they would not let us in after 7:15, but luckily they did. When we sat down I felt relieved and ready for the show to start. I was a little out of breath but was glad we made it. The role of place in the Good Life is very important. Where you are can make all the difference on how happy you are in that moment. In that moment when the lights dimmed down, I felt happy that I was sitting in the theatre, rather than outside if they did not let us in.

The Social Experience

I went to this play with my friend Jackson, who is the one who took this picture. To get ready for the performance, him and I arranged to meet an hour before the play started and head over. He was running a bit late and so we had to rush a little more than we had planned. Attending this performance with my friend enhanced my experience because it allowed me, and I hope him, to get a better understanding of what we were watching. We asked each other questions about the play at intermission time so we knew that we understood what was going on. The role of shared experiences are very important in the good life. Having good experiences alone is good, but sharing them with friends and family that you care about is even better.

The Cultural and Intellectual Experience

This performance taught me a lot about the 20th century society. This was a subject I admittedly did not know a lot about before I came to the play. It was very good to see the symbolism of the time. Throughout the play, the main oppression of power, by the Boss and the Church itself in some ways, use their authority to attempt to hide the problems in their society. The play explores the importance of the acting in the theatre to show society's flaws despite those forces of power attempting to oppress and silence them. This performance changed my views on the Church. I knew there was oppression but this performance got me thinking the extent to which they oppressed. This performance made me think deeper on the importance of standing up for what is right. This oppression could be comparable to some of the things happening in today's society. In the Middle East, women are being oppressed and silenced in their society simply because they are not men. This could be comparable to my life as well. One example of this is when I tried to join the football team in high school. I was told I was too small and that I would not make it. I went out for tryouts anyway and made the team. I stood up for myself when others tried to stifle me to do so.

The Emotional Experience

Although The Divine: A Play for Sarah Bernhardt discusses and shows the audience very sensitive topics, it provided the audience with a chance for katharsis. The audience can walk out of the theatre knowing that though we as human beings can be responsible for terrible things in the world, redemption and justice is always possible. The play pointed out that the truth can be difficult to confront for everyone and that some will try to do anything to avoid it. The play does have optimistic messages as well. It talks about how there will always be somebody who is willing to discover the hard truths in the hopes of bettering humanity.

Introductory photo:

Divine. 2015. James Karas, Toronto. Web. <>

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