Pelee the Volcano

Pelee is a volcano. Located on northern part of Martinique in the French overseas department. Pelee has an elevation of 1,397, and is an stratovolcano.Pelee has had three document eruptions the latest being 85 years ago.
Before we continue going on, let's talke an bit about the stratovlocona. A Stratovolcano or a composite., thats just a different name for Stratovolcano. These volcano is noted by its steep or cones or cone looking . Stratovolcano is a creature at stubduction zones, along tectonic plates boundaries. Tectonic plates are in the oceanic crust. Then just like all volcano magma within the earths makes it to the surface.
Even though Pelee is one of the most beautfiful volcano, it has made one of the most deadly eruption of the 20th century. In early summer of 1920, specifically in April 23, 1920, Pelee started showing huge signs of an a eruption. But it wasn't until May 8, 1920, nines days later did the eruption really happen. Only minutes of the big city of Saint-Pierre was completely destroyed. After an entire day of this non-stop eruption over 30,000. With only one man survive the horried, Louis Auguste Cyparis who was locked in a cement jail cell.
Since then Mt.Pelee have had two small eruption, that hasn't kill anyone. But the island have had a few earth quakes, so if you must you can go have a nice vacation there and hopefully be safe.



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