You've reached an exam number that retired on December 31, 2021. Click here for the current Adobe Marketo Engage Business Practitioner exam guide.
The AD0-E554 Adobe Marketo Engage Business Practitioner exam guide provides potential candidates with information they need to prepare for the latest Marketo certification exam. Please read the exam objectives and take the free readiness questionnaire and free practice test so you can gauge your experience and preparation for this exam.
The old Marketo Certified Expert exam was renumbered to AD0-E552. Due to its age (built in 2019), it will retire on January 1, 2022.
Until December 31, 2021, candidates can achieve the Adobe Certified Expert certificate by passing either AD0-E552 or AD0-E554 exams. Candidates are encouraged to read through each exam guide and use available sample/practice tests to assess which exam scope best fits their current Marketo experience and skills. (The exam guide for AD0-E552 is located here.)
To ensure our experts are up to date on new solution features and capabilities, Adobe Marketo certifications are valid for two years from the date of achieving the certificate requirements (e.g. passed the exam.) To keep the certificate current, the most common requirement is to pass an exam close to the expiration date of two years. Review the requirement(s) listed in this guide.
Adobe certification exams are developed with the participation of subject matter experts worldwide, following industry standards in developing fair and valid tests. Visit our FAQ page for more information.
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An official Adobe Certified Expert designation acknowledges your established expertise to help current and future business clients succeed!
Partners that are part of the SPP program and have bronze and above status qualify for a 33% discount on all certification exam pricing. Email to request your discount(s).
Where to start? Check out the Partner Learner Journey from the Adobe Solution Partner Program today.
Exam Guide Sections:
- Minimum candidate experience to pass this test
- Intended audience
- Exam information
- Minimum candidate experience
- Exam objectives and scope
- Preparing for the exam
Minimum Candidate Experience
At a minimum, the candidate seeking to pass the AD0-E554 Marketo Engage exam has approximately 18 months of experience with Marketo features and capabilities needed to create marketing campaigns and utilize customer behavior data. The candidate is a marketer with experience building, launching and analyzing campaigns, operationalizing demand generation, and understands the underlying email behavior and technologies including HTML, integrations, databases, and CRM.
The candidate ready to take this test has familiarity with the following tools and technologies:
- Adobe Marketo Engage
- Excel and CSV file format
- API concepts
- CRM basics
- Social media platforms like Facebook and LinkedIn
- Microsoft Office
- Basic HTML
Use our free Readiness Questionnaire to determine if you meet the minimum qualifications identified for this exam.
Intended Audience
- Marketing operations manager/specialist/expert/analyst
- Digital marketing manager/specialist/expert/analyst
- Campaign manager/specialist/expert/analyst
- Marketo Engage consultants
- Digital/marketing automation manager/specialist/expert/analyst
- Marketing systems manager
- Demand generation manager
- Email marketing manager
- Revenue operations manager
- Growth operations manager
- Martech architect
- Marketing technology manager
- Integrated campaign managers
- Business system analyst
Exam Information
- Exam number: AD0-E554
- Date launched: 2021
- Exam name: Adobe Marketo Engage Business Practitioner Expert
- Certificate level: Certified Expert
- Status: Active
- Available languages: English
- Number of questions: 50
- Formats: Multiple choice and multiple select
- Duration: 120 minutes
- Delivery: Onsite/Online proctored (requires camera access) or test center proctored
- Passing mark: 32/50
- Price: $225 USD / $150 USD (India only)
Exam Objectives and Scope
Scroll down to take the free practice test!
Section 1: Administration and Maintenance (12%)
- Determine mapping process between Marketo and CRM
- Identify what happened to an Asset using the Audit Trail
- Recognize differences between users and roles
- Given a scenario, identify the best fit for using Workspace and Partitions
- Identify CRM platforms with native Marketo synchronization
- Given a scenario, locate where information is referenced
Section 2: Marketing Activities/Campaign Management (46%)
- Demonstrate an understanding of Smart Campaigns, logic, constraints and flow steps
- Given a scenario, define the next step
- Identify the root cause of a problem
- Interpret the relationship between programs, channels, tags and period cost
- Demonstrate/apply the correct configuration to Engagement Programs
- Give examples of usage for different types of tokens
- Summarize the utility of Webhooks in Marketo and how they are used
- Identify and apply the appropriate use of the PMCF
- Explain the benefits of Global Assets and how to use them
- Demonstrate the capabilities of Forms
- Perform and analyze an A/B test strategy
- Identify where a program or asset has been referenced with ‘Used By’
- Troubleshoot communication limits
- Use Webinar provider information in an Event Program
Section 3: Lead Management (12%)
- Outline the key decision points in defining the lifecycle model
- Apply best practices around lead scoring
- Implement the appropriate interesting moments
- Interpret the lead Activity log
- Given a scenario, identify the creation source
Section 4: Data Management (10%)
- Demonstrate how to set up a data management program
- Analyze an instance's data quality
- Identify a few key pieces of Marketo's data retention policy as it relates to Smart Lists
- Summarize how segmentation works
Section 5: Reporting (4%)
- Given an outcome of a campaign, determine how to set up a Program to provide the best reporting
- Given a scenario, be able to investigate and assign the appropriate acquisition program
Section 6: Best Practices (16%)
- Demonstrate the relevance of lead scoring in marketing and sales collaboration
- Illustrate the benefits of the folder structure and naming conventions
- Apply best practices around A/B testing
- Explain the process to perform a quality check on any Marketo program
- Explain the process to perform a quality check on an email
Online Practice Test
The practice test is one complete exam of similar quality as the actual exam. Use this test to gauge your level of preparation for the actual exam.
AD4-E554 Adobe Marketo Engage Business Practitioner Expert Practice Test
- Provide your email address.
- Answer the short survey.
- Answer the candidate agreement.
- Start the test.
- Mark your answer in each question.
- Click Next on the upper portion of the screen to save your answer and move to the next question. You may return and revise your question within the specified time.
- On the last question, click Submit Exam to submit all your answers.
- Click “Take Me to My Results” to view your sample test result details.
Preparing for the Exam
You are not required to complete training before taking the exam, and training alone will not provide you with the knowledge and skills required to pass the exam. A combination of training and successful, on-the-job experience are critical to providing you with the repository needed to pass the exam.
Recommended training courses:
- Configuring and Managing Marketo
- Marketo Core Concepts II
- Creating Event & Webinar Programs in Marketo
- Optimizing Marketo Engage Email Deliverability
- Marketo Reporting and Insights
Recommended study materials to prepare for the test along with Marketo field experience:
Questions and Inquiries?
Please contact the Adobe Credential Program Customer Support team.
The content of this exam guide is subject to changes and updates. Last update June 2021