Crime Scene Of Anna Garcia Dymenique Partida


The victim was Anna Garcia was 38 years old, weight 165, 6'4 inches, and her race Hispanic. Doug (the neighbor) reported the 911 operator cause he was worried about his neighbor Anna. Doug was suspicious about Anna since he seen her walking her dog with a sweater, which it was 92 degree. He notice that Anna dog kept barking, which it was unusual since he said the neighborhood is mostly quiet. Doug tried to contact her but no answer, so he tried to knock on the door but still no response. That when he knew something wasn't right, so he called the 911 operator. Knows there is four people involved in the crime scene: Alex Garcia- ex husband, Lucy-co worker, Doug-next door neighbor, and Erica- Alex new girlfriend. So know what really happened to Anna Garcia since we have 4 people involved in this crime scene?


  • The fingerprint belonged to Anna Garcia
  • Alex Garcia was at the crime scene the night before
  • There was no other fingerprint


  • The piece of hair belonged to Anna Gacria
  • The hair did not connect Lucy or Erica
  • The hair color was blonde

Unknown Subtance

  • In Anna result showed that she took aspirin
  • She might of had a disease around the time he took aspirin
  • She might of tooken aspirin for headaches/ nausea
  • In the crime scene showed vomit around her

Blood splatter

  • The blood splattered at a 74 cm table height
  • Close by her body was a syringe
  • Anna fingerprint was close by the blood splatter
  • Her dog was barking
  • When she walked her dog she was wearing a sweater in a 92 degree heat

dna analysis

  • The blood belonged to Anna but we don't know if she was attacked or not

time of death

  • Anna was dead for 4 hour
  • Anna body was checked in at 11 am
  • Time of death 7 am

autopsy report

  • She had a bruise on her head/elbow which is 2cm
  • She had swollen ankles
  • Anna had no scratches, no wounds, no fractures, nor bruises

In conclusion, I think Anna was sick and had a fever that's why she was wearing a sweater in the hot weather. When she got back from walking her dog she took a aspirin for the headache, that's when she felt nausea, vomited on the floor, and fell and that's when she hit her head on the floor. That's why the dog was barking because he seen Anna on the floor. I think Anna Garcia died from Natural causes.


Created with images by Muffet - "mishap" • Alan Cleaver - "Crime Scene" • 422737 - "fingerprint traces pattern" • Brief Gasp - "My little sisters hair" • JLaw45 - "NYPD Freightliner Sprinter" • Jo Naylor - "splatter" • PublicDomainPictures - "blood vial analysis" • Alexas_Fotos - "the eleventh hour disaster alarm clock" • lilianwagdy - "DSC_7919"

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