Virginia By: camdyn verm illion

As you can see below these are all different seasons in Virginia. The one with many trees is is summer. Summer weather in Virginia is acurate between 80 and 90 degrees. The best time to go is July. The picture with the pretty blue sky is fall. Falls weather is 70 and 80 degrees.The very last picture is Winter. Winter tempatures in Virginia can get intense.The weather in Virginia depends on what part you visit.

These are 4 foods in Virginia. Tobacco, Milk, Oysters, and Peanuts.

These are 4 natural recourses in Virginia. Lime, Coal, and Gravel.

As you can see above there are some interesting pictures. The picture of a house is the Colonial Williamsburg. It is a very famous house.The next two pictures are at the Virginia Beach. They show how you can have alot of fun. These are two famous tourist attractions.

These are the state symbols.There nickname is Old dominion. The state flower is the Cornus Florida. The state bird is the northern cardinal.The state tree is the Flowering dog wood. The state modo is Thus always Tyrants.

Here are two historical events that were big in Virginia. In 1607 Jamestown Virginia was established. The second event was that Virginia was a big part in the American Revolution.

These are two famous people in Virginia. Thomas Jefferson, and Zachary Taylor. That is the end of my project. I hope you get to go to Virginia.


Created with images by RMD Observations - "julia13" • m01229 - "The Virginia countryside in the fall" • yeahbouyee - "Barrenness" • ajgarrison3 - "Tobacco by the Nolichucky River" • congerdesign - "milk glass frisch" • Pexels - "blur diet dry" • joakant - "oysters mussels delicacy" • oatsy40 - "Coal" • JStevenLopez - "Limes" • wwarby - "Gravel Texture" • skeeze - "governor's palace williamsburg virginia" • TexasExplorer98 - "Virginia Beach" • m01229 - "Through the viewfinder" • CGP Grey - "Virginia Welcomes You" • blumenbiene - "Blumen-Hartriegel (Cornus florida)" • shell_ghostcage - "landscape natural flowers" • Free Grunge Textures - - "Virginia Grunge Flag" • Bobolink - "Northern Cardinal_8168" • ComputerGuy - Wikipedia User - "Jamestowne - Susan Constant" • cliff1066™ - "The Washington – Rochambeau Route to Victory, Yorktown Battlefield (The Washington-Rochambeau Route marker series.)" • berriehol - "IMG_3418" • mrgsimon - "thomas jefferson president" • cliff1066™ - "Thomas Jefferson (The Edgehill Portrait), Third President (1801-1809)" • cliff1066™ - "Zachary Taylor, Twelfth President (1849-1850)"

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