N&M Our clothing is your canvas

I came up with N&M because I've always noticed that when shopping people will look for a design they like but they can't find one because the design is either too small or too big but with N&M you can design your own hoodie or clothing and it can be whatever size you want.

I was inspired by people that make very unique and cool designs that you dont see everywhere. Every time i see a design i always try to go do it better or different so if i do start selling them i don't want it to look like everyone else's it will be different.

I have 1 brother and 2 sisters. My 2 sisters and brother are always at college, which gives me a lot of time to myself where i can come up with new a different designs and logos.

When im out of school i enjoy playing video a games it something i love doing and could do for hours if i had the chance. I also love using Photoshop to learn new things and try to do new things.

I think my typical customers are going to be people that really enjoy art or designs in a very unique way. But people that dont really mind and can go for what ever type of design they want are going to be the type of people that wont purchase my product.

I feel like mine is unique because there aren't many types of companies/people that do this so i think that's why i will succeed. My things are unique because not many people do this often.

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