Good Life Tour of the Harn Erik Leff

"The Tulip Lamp"

Technique of the Artist: I found this lamp to be really cool because its light (in my opinion) represents the plant life itself. I found the lamp to be extremely detailed and I was impressed by the shape of the bulbs which is ironic as well.

"The Asian Art Wing"

I really liked the design of the Asian Art wing because of its effective use of lighting and wood to instill a feeling of being in the woods. I also liked how the overall setup of the exhibit was designed to lead the eye and guide the viewer to the central exhibits.

"Boulder with Luohan in a Cave"

Art and Core Values: This carving instills a feeling of serenity and enjoying the great outdoors. One of my core values is enjoying the world around me and trying to find enjoyment in anything I pass. Just like the two people carved into the stone seem to be enjoying the landscape.

"Buddhist Statue"

Art and the Good Life: This statue of Buddha represents the theme of embracing oneself and finding the meaning of our own "good life". It adds to my appreciation of the theme by connecting what I learned in class to my previous learning. The statue doesn't directly convey this message; however, what "the buddha" represents is the good life theme.

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