Messages to the Cities By jack steven and gavin

To the Windy City, watch over eathother. Beware of enviorments which fuel the cause of wicked actions.
Dear City of Angels, continue being a home to many people, take care of those people by taking care of your environment.
Dear Detroit, continue to pray for your city. Have faith and things will get better.
Dear Washington D.C., please respect others opinions. With a new president coming in, there are a lot of arguments and protests. If we respect peoples opinions, then everything will be alright.
Dear Foxburrow, congratulations on your superbowl victory.
Dear Charm City, congratulations on being the first city to build the Washington Monument.
Dear Believeland, congratulations on getting out of your sports slump.


Created with images by jimcchou - "Detroit skyline" • tpsdave - "washington dc c city" • rjshade - "Boston from above" • BruceEmmerling - "baltimore harbor boats" • laszlo-photo - "Tower City from the Cuyahoga"

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