El Greco By: Chamberlaine bell

El Greco was a very famous artist during the Renaissance. He was born in Heraklion, Greece in 1541. He spent most of his life in Venice where he was taught many new things about art by a man named Titian. However, he wasn't just a painter, he also liked to make sculptures and he was also an architect.

The Adoration of the Shepherds

The Adoration of the Shepherds is a famous piece of art created by El Greco using the oil on canvas technique. This painting is important because it shows the believed abstraction of idealism and secularism. This belief was very powerful in the 1612 which was the time of when it was created. This painting still inspires people to this day to focus less on politics and more on family and love.

When El Greco was painting, he liked to use many different methods and techniques. Some of those techniques were oil paintings on a canvas which is how most of his works were created, but he also used paint other works of art.

This piece of art is interesting because all of the people's attention is drawn towards the baby instead of all the problems and wars that are happening in the world. At this moment in time, the baby is the most important thing in the world to the people in this painting.

Some other pieces of his work are, "The Miracle of Christ", "The Vision of Saint John", and "Resurrection" which also have the idea of secularism and idealism.

A person might see this painting in the Museum of Art in Dallas, Texas.

Works Cited: El Greco. The Adoration of the Shepherds 1612, oil canvas, Toledo, Santo Domingo

Read more about the painting by clicking here: http://www.elgreco.net/the-adoration-of-the-shepherds.jsp

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