Global Scholar program

Global scholar program is designed for modern day students, modern day learners and the builders of our society of the future. We send our kids to reputed schools, colleges and universities, where the basic target for them is to get the best out of the curriculum and learn from proven learning communities. Where parents and well wishers wish their children not only learn but also acquire wisdom to become successful in personal as well as professional lives.

Why Global Scholar Program

Technology has redefined the way students consume knowledge and the globalised world has upped the standards of skilled labor. The world needs people who can think big and execute innovative ideas to achieve the biggest challenges facing our world today, such as lifting the world out of poverty, feeding a growing population, tackling terrorism etc.

The Global Scholar Program is built on three essential tenets for learners to become successful:

Laying the foundation: the program helps students define their learning style and set appropriate techniques to consume knowledge. The program helps students envision short and long term goals. And how to improve brain power to retain and retrieve information when necessary.

Implement proven processes: the program offers valuable, practical techniques to improve memory, practice top study and exam techniques. The program also has proven, world renowned techniques to achieve maximum brain power through positivity (affirmations).

Achieve desired results: through top notch guidance and supervision, attendees get to understand the value of the techniques learnt and to be implemented to achieve knowledge, wisdom, scholarships and chart a positive path for a bright career.

The direction in which education starts a man will determine his future in life. - Plato

Benefits of the Global Scholar Program

Children and their learning abilities vary, so should the way each child acquires and memorizes information. However, our schools and universities are ill equipped to pay 1-on-1 attention and offer the leeway for each child to discover the best learning methods. As a result, the Global Scholar Program helps students to break out of the societal mold of one-technique-fits-all and help them discover the best methods to learn and retrieve information with ease.

Very often children become anxious during exam times, this increases stress and hinders the child's ability to learn properly. This program helps children understand the value of exams and it's proven techniques to make it so easy, that their confidence gets a boost during exam times. A lot of empirical processes shall be taught to help children learn and become knowledgeable simultaneously. Here is what students will achieve out of the Global Scholar Program:

  • Improve concentration
  • Proven learning methods
  • Learn how to respect and become better at time management
  • Learn about exams and how to best prepare for them through proven techniques
  • Learn how the brain retains information and improve memory retention through proven methods
  • Learn how to envision and achieve short and long term study goals
  • Learn speed reading and photo reading techniques to retain information better
  • Learn how to improve listening skills to get the best out of class lectures
  • Learn to develop and practice must-have interpersonal skills
  • Learn how to prepare and crack school and college level scholarships
  • Learn how sleep can help retain and retrieve memory and plan your sleep calendar
  • Learn about multiple intelligence and how they can make you a better learner

The Global Scholar program is designed and conducted by Dr. P. P. Vijayan, an internationally acclaimed Spiritual Scientist, Mind Trainer, Author, Success Coach, Legal and Management Consultant.

Dr. P.P. Vijayan
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