Emily Dickinson Poem

THE SKIES can’t keep their secret!

They tell it to the hills—

The hills just tell the orchards—

And they the daffodils!

A bird, by chance, that goes that way 5

Soft overheard the whole.

If I should bribe the little bird,

Who knows but she would tell?

I think I won’t, however,

It’s finer not to know; 10

If summer were an axiom,

What sorcery had snow?

So keep your secret, Father!

I would not, if I could,

Know what the sapphire fellows do, 15

In your new-fashioned world!

The theme of the poem is basically about how the entire sky opens up and rains on all the hills and plains, giving them new life. I feel the title really gives a good metaphor for the poem. The skies "talking" to the hills and birds of nature. I also fell that she may be talking about her own longing to want to go outside in the world. She uses metaphors to great strength. Most of the poem is made up of metaphors.

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