Planes and Automobiles in the 1920's BY: Jack Marvel

Beginning in May of 1928 and ending in June of 1928, and pointed by Sir Charles Kingsford-Smith, this Fokker F VII/3m 'Southern Cross' airplane flew 7,938 miles and was the first person to fly from California to Australia non-stop. This flight was one of the first to fly over the Pacific and successfully make it to their destination with out stopping on the way.

The Ford Monopoly (Automobiles)

Henry Ford was the founder and president of Ford Motor Company and although he did not invent the automobile nor the assembly line, he was the first person/ company to develop a car that was affordable to the middle class.

Home | Library of Congress." The Library of Congress. N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Feb. 2017.

The assembly line was first used in larger automobiles and machinery by Ford Motor Company designed William "Pa" Klann. He saw this design at a butchery shop where a line of workers would dissemble the caracas. He just reversed this process and applied it to automobiles and therefor made the time to create a car for less than it originally was.

The Model-T automobile build by Ford was the first affordable car built. It revolutionized the way thats people all around the U.S. traveled. Before the Model-T unless you were very wealthy, you could not afford a car and had to travel either by horse or by walking. This car allowed middle-class to travel by car and made more places accessible by getting there in less time. In 1908 the cost of buying the car was $850(20,000 dollars today), but in 1925 the cost went down to $250(4,000 dollars today). This made it much easier for more people to buy a car so the need for paved roads was in high demand. This lead to highways which made it a lot easier to travel long distances without destroying your car.

Home | Library of Congress." The Library of Congress. N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Feb. 2017. Copy & paste citation

Demand for Oil

"Educational Website | Discover Create Share." Smithsonian Learning Lab. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Feb. 2017.

Planes in the 1920's

"Educational Website | Discover Create Share." Smithsonian Learning Lab. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Feb. 2017.

Would War 1 pushed the aviation world to create planes that could fly further distances and carry heavier loads. Many countries were competing to create the better plane which made the aviation industry take great leaps forward and create better and more sophisticated planes.

Lindbergh Transatlantic

Newspaper on Lindbergh's Transatlantic Flight
People in the Streets After the News of Lindbergh's Safe Arrival

"Educational Website | Discover Create Share." Smithsonian Learning Lab. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Feb. 2017.

Lindbergh started his transatlantic journey from New York, where he barely made the take off zone and was feet from ending his voyage before it every started. He spent 33 and a half hours in the air and landed in Paris after the 3,500 mile journey. For completing the feat, he was awarded 25,000 dollars. During his flight, Lindbergh said that he had to fly as close as 10 feet to the oceans surface to avoid fog and stay on track. This made him the first person to ever fly across the Atlantic and showed the whole world that it was possible to fly long distances on these machines.

Cargo Planes ("Educational Website | Discover Create Share." Smithsonian Learning Lab. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Feb. 2017.)

The development of larger planes lead to the ability to spread out and develop more places in new areas. There had never before been a plane/planes that could carry people along with materials because all of the planes prior to the late 1920's were small and could only carry a maximum of one person.

Fighter Planes


The 1920's was a time of great development in the automobile and aviation industries, as people were creating and doing things that were unprecedented and seemed impossible only a few years earlier. During this time period, many places became more accessible and the time needed to travel between them was cut ten-fold. The aviation and automobile industries existed before the 1920's, but it was during this time that they became more popular and taken seriously. Before this time, people had to travel by train or by horse, and this made it nearly impossible to travel far distances in a short amount of time, therefore making the country less connected. The break-throughts that happened in the 1920's connected the east and the west coasts, therefor bringing the country "closer" and more nationalized.

The Ford Motor Company was the first company to make the car available to the middle class. Ford was able to do this because of the invention of the assembly line, which made the time and cost of creating a car in the factory decrease by weeks. With the new accessibility to automobiles came great responsibility to use these tools safely. The government put some "breaks" on the automobile industry by having speed limits and other car related rules. The government had to do this because automobiles had never been seen before in such large numbers. People were learning about how to use them and often overused their powers and caused great damage.

While the aviation industry did not make it accessible for more people to buy planes, they did develop the plane during this period of time. Before the 1920's, a plane could not fly long distances, and when they did fly, they were neither fast nor safe. With new inventions regarding to the airplane, companies made them faster and planes gained the ability to fly for long periods without stopping. This kind of progress would ultimately help the United States in future wars as they helped to carry cargo and materials from place to place in far less time than any other method could do. With all these new developments came rules and regulations to the aviation industry because, just as with the automobile industry, they could pose great danger to citizens and were still considered unsafe to fly.

The aviation and automobile industries made great leaps forward during the 1920's because of new inventions and a more forward thinking country. With these new inventions automobiles and planes were made safer and more advanced. You would think that the cost of buying a car would go up with these new advances but the opposite actually happened. With new inventions in how these cars and planes are made, the cost of making one went down therefor making the cost of buying one go down as well. With these new advances, came great responsibility and the government had to come and put rules and regulations to so people wouldn't exploit their powers. I also want people to remember that this time period set the foundation for the airplanes and cars we have today. If the developments of the 1920s had never happened, the automobile and aviation industries would have never gotten off the ground and the planes and cars we have today would not be as safe and advanced as they are today.


- "Educational Website | Discover Create Share." Smithsonian Learning Lab. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Feb. 2017.

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