HAPPY NEW YEAR CARLA Cause 2016 Can't Be Stopped

Play in the background for max sappiness
Not sure if I'll still be awake later so...
Happy New Year Carla! This has been a very rough year for me and my family, for work, for the family business, emotionally and physically, etc.
But I never had a moment where I felt down or totally out of it. Having you around, as a friend, as someone I love (in all aspects of the idea of it), as a sounding board, heck, even as someone I just annoy has been fantastic.
Life was never hard when you were there. Days were never as rough when you were listening. Times were never horrible when I was with you (whether in real life or just talking). I was never sad when you were there to cheer me up.
Basically what I want to say is - 2016 has still been a fantastic year since I had you around. I know I haven't been the most accessible, or most attentive guy, nor have I been the easiest to deal with, but, I've had a blast knowing you were always there for me - no questions asked.

Happy New Year Carla.

I hope, no, I know 2017 is going to be good since I'm coming into it with you.

Thank you for an amazing year.
With love


Created By
Franz Magallanes

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