Intro Main Idea Block Amazing

Learning Target

We can identify the main idea and highlight supporting details


We will read a paragraph.

We will write the main idea.

We will highlight supporting details.


Read each passage and ask yourself, “What is the author doing in this paragraph?” Write your answer in the summary box and then think of an appropriate title for the passage based on the main idea of the passage.

A penny for your thoughts? If it’s a 1943 copper penny, it could be worth as much as fifty thousand dollars. In 1943, most pennies were made out of steel since copper was needed for World War II, so the 1943 copper penny is ultra-rare. Another rarity is the 1955 double die penny. These pennies were mistakenly double stamped, so they have overlapping dates and letters. If it’s uncirculated, it’d easily fetch $25,000 at an auction. Now that’s a pretty penny.

Summarize this paragraph in one sentence. Be specific and clearly explain the main idea.

This paragraph was mainly about___________________.

An appropriate title: ________________________________________________

1943 Penny

1955 Double Die Penny


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