Baterys By Nephi Barlow

Batteries are everywhere. The world is now dependent on these portable electronic packs of energy. they are everywhere from mobile phones to cars and planes everywhere you go there will likely be batteries.

Most batteries contain three basic parts: electrodes, an electrolyte and a separator, according to Ann Marie There are two electrodes in every battery. Both are made of conductive materials, but they serve different roles. One electrode known as the cathode connects to the positive end of the battery and is where the electrical current leaves (or electrons enter) the battery during discharge, which is when the battery is being used to power things. The other electrode known as the anode, connects to the negative end of the battery and is where the electrical current enters (or electrons leave) the battery during discharge. batteries are Exothermic because it gives of energy at the end when you plug it into some thing. but rechargeable batteries are both because when you use it then you recharge it you are putting energy back in so you can have energy in the end so it is also endothermic.

Inside the battery Between the electrodes, as well as inside them, is the electrolyte. This is a liquid or gel-like substance that contains electrically charged particles, or ions. The ions combine with the materials that make up the electrodes, producing chemical reactions that allow a battery to generate an electric current. this chemical reaction is what makes a battery a battery.

Chemical equations are everywhere in batteries. the product is put in to make a chemical reaction and the chemical reaction creates energy and that is the Conservation mass (matter is neither created nor destroyed just transferred from one substance to the next) and energy is mater.


Created with images by Chillsoffear - "batteries power energy" • byrev - "batteries battery energy" • PublicDomainPictures - "battery batteries rechargeable" • Gadini - "batteries alkaline battery" • Gadini - "batteries alkaline battery"

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