Christmas in South Africa How is celebrated?

Since South Africa is in Southern Hemisphere, Christmas comes around during the summer when flowers are blooming and the sun is up.

Most of the people that live in South Africa go to a Christmas Service at church on Christmas morning to celebrate the birth of Christ since 2/3 of the population is Christian.

Children in South Africa also believe in Santa Clause and leave out a stocking out on Christmas Eve for him just like some of the children here in the United States.

Santa Cause in South Africa is also known as Sinterklaas and Kersvander for people who speak other languages in South Africa.

Similar to here in the United States, people in South Africa also put up a Christmas tree with presents around it for the children.

Both children and adults go caroling from door to door on Christmas day.


Created with images by Daria-Yakovleva - "christmas new year's eve postcard"

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