Awesome things I did in Medical Detectives by Augustin Santiesteban

Mystery Diseases Part 1

In Mystery Diseases part 1 we had to find this mysterious disease that this person, Joe Bloggs, which was really fun and challenging to do. It was also a fun way to learn teamwork as we all had to do something to find out Joe Bloggs mysterious disease.

Type 1 and 2 Diabetes

In this topic we learned about diabetes and now we know that glucose is an important sugar your body needs for energy. Insulin is an important sugar your body needs because we cant function without it. We also had a gust speaker who came in to talk about how she is dealing with diabetes 1.

Foodborne Mystery Illness

We learned about pathogens which is and disease-producing agent such as a virus, bacteria, or parasite. 1 out of 6 Americans will get sick from food poisoning a year. There are many foodborne illnesses such as salmonella, shigella, and many more.

Murder Mystery: Suspect Identification

An important part of finding someone's Time Of Death is by someone's body temperature which is really cool. DNA fingerprinting is the process of identifying in the DNA of individuals.

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