
G.R.O.W. Bananas

First Alternative Co-op has been purchasing organic bananas from Organics Unlimited since 2005 when the GROW banana program was just starting. The mission of GROW is to create a better quality of life for not only farm workers and their families, but entire growing communities in impoverished areas of Mexico and Ecuador. By buying GROW bananas, you are having a real and positive impact on people and the earth through charitable programs and sustainable agriculture.

Since 2005, First Alternative Co-op has sold 47,817 cases of GROW bananas. 60 cents on each case goes to the GROW program. That's a total of $28,690!

How do you like your bananas?

In 2010, Co-op staff had the opportunity to visit Colima, Mexico to tour a G.R.O.W banana farm and pay a visit to the community it helps support. Carli in produce is pictured with a vibrant group of school children whose education was made possible in part by your banana purchases. Click here to learn more about G.R.O.W Bananas.

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