France Brooke Smith

French legislation provide different regulations according to the age and power of judgement of the minor, particularly in criminal matters. Minors are children under the age of 18 years (section 388 of the Civil Code). Young persons are persons between 21 and 25 years.
Minimum age of 18 years old for a man and 15 years old for a woman. The future husband and wife must give their consent : Minors under 18 years of age must produce a written consent of both parents or their legal guardian.
In France, similar rules apply to the entertainment industry. However, the general rule is no work under 16. Exceptions include: - Working under an apprenticeship contract, from age 15.
Getting a French Driver's License. While driving in France, remember to abide by the road rules to drive safely and stay out of trouble. You must be at least 18 years old to drive in France, though there are certain exceptions for older teenagers driving under supervision.
In France you have to be at least 16 years of age to drop out of school legally.
In three circumstances parental responsibilities automatically come to an end: when the child reaches majority when the child is emancipated. This takes place when the child, who must be at least 16, obtains the capacity to enter in legal transactions. The parents can petition jointly or one parent can act alone. If the juge des tutelles (guardianship court) believes after the child is heard that there are justes motifs (serious reasons) for the emancipation, an emancipation order will be issued when the minor child gets married
Contracts entered into by French citizens abroad, whether they be minors or married women, are governed therefore, as regards capacity, by French law.


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