Population Growth Presnted by: Joshua Anagnostou

Part 1

Population Growth is a very serious matter affect our lives and the future of Earth. There are three main reasons why the population continues to grow; migration into cities and large populated country, growing gap between births and deaths, and growing economies.


"Immigration is one of the leading contributors to population growth." -Paul Watson

Migration may seem beneficial, but it is hurting the world. Over time, record numbers of humans have started to flock into large rural areas; especially large cities. While in these large cities, more and more immigrants reproduce and start a family. But, migration is tremendously impacting the environment and often city living condition. In 2006, 1:6 US citizens were foreign born.


Birth:Death Gap

Estimated in 2011 there are 19 births/1,000 population in the world. Also estimated, there are 8 deaths per/1,000 population. Wow. Around a 2.3:1 ratio of births to deaths.

"I enjoy every climb - maybe it's because it's a literal dance between life and death."-Alain Robert

Growing economy


As the population growth slowly starts to decline from its serious spikes in the past decades, one part of our everyday life will be affected:our economy. The more people the earth has, the more need there is for products and new technologies.

Part 2

The World's population has grown has never quadrupled since 1950. In 1950, there were about 2.5 billon people. Today, there are roughly 7.5 billion people living on Earth. Scientists predict there will be a whooping 9 billion people by 2050.

This graph shows the population growth starting in 1760 to projections in 2100. It's amazing to know there were less than 1 billion people here in 1800 and there are 7.4 billion people today. https://ourworldindata.org/world-population-growth/

This graph displays the population growth in Britan. It shows that migration is the major blame for population growth in their country at the moment while birth-death ratio is second factor.

This graph shows the whopping affect population growth had from 1965 to 2010. The Gross Domestic Product of the world significantly increases with the growing population.



In 2014, 54% of the world lived in cities. By 2050, it is expected to reach 66%.


This graph shows as the population grows, resources start to diminish because of the abundant use.

"A finite world can only support only a finite population; therefore, population growth must eventually equal Zero." Garrett Hardin

The median age of the entire world is 29.6 years. By 2100, it is expected to be younger than 25.

Part 2

Nigeria has roughy 175 million people, most in Africa and 7th most in world.


But, population growth is not a good thing for Nigeria. Nigeria is one of the only countries in the world that's population continues to rise and rise.


As Scientists Predict, many serious effects of population growth will take place in Nigeria such as:

Increased Crime


Decrease in Economic Wealth


Public Health


Overall, population growth will hurt Nigeria very badly. Their economy will devastate because of its lack of exports and decline in oil. The more people that are being born is causing health problems. The bigger population isn't supported by doctors who can help and have high mortality rates. Crime has also steadily increased and will continue because the lack of jobs. Population growth will significantly hurt Nigeria.


Created with images by Scott Cresswell - "Just a face in the crowd"

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