Russian to Success By Alexis Estrada

Russia is a massive country with great scenery and a huge culture.
A country this big should be hard to control, yet the current president has been doing a really good job.
It even has next to free internet, which is really good for doing homework on a laptop from home.
You can also leave the country whenever you want and if you weren't able to leave, you would basically be living in a fancy prison house.
Jehovah's Witnesses and Mormons are currently fighting prejudices in Russia. How can we ever help fight against a country that big??
Let's spread awareness by telling people about Russia's issues. Click in any of the links below to learn more.


Created with images by AKuptsova - "saint basil's cathedral red square moscow" • EvgeniT - "russia flag clouds" • barbos2514 - "winter frost russia" • Человек с Урала - "Tobolsk Kremlin" • jackmac34 - "russia sergiev posad monastery" • Dave Shaver - "Beautiful Jehovah's Witnesses ladies downtown Winnipeg" • (vincent desjardins) - "Deutschland : KZ Konzentrationslager Buchenwald : Gitter " Jedem Das Seine " 1937"

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