Turkey Teens By: Tanner Ripley Period 5

"97% of Turkey is in Asia and the other 3% is in Europe." (Tour via me blog)

Being 15 in Turkey is busy yet exciting, because in Turkey, teens will be educated and supported with out question and teenagers, in their free time, do the same things like teens in the us like watching TV, phones, internet etc.

Some cool parts about being 15 in turkey is that they will be educated and supported without question.

"Every single family member is supported without a question." (Lingo) It is required for children between 6-7 to go school for 8 years. (Education in Turkey)

Turkey families are very passionate and supportive of everyone in their extended family so a 15 year old will get plenty of support from families. The Turkish government passed a law that mandates children go to school for 8 years. That means a 15 year old is in his/her last year of mandatory school.

Teenagers, in their free time, do the same things like teens in the US do like watch TV, phones, internet etc.

"Many like to spend their time doing things like shopping, going to parties, being with friends, using technology for games or other online activities..." (Raising Children Network)

Like most 15 year old in the US, Turkish teens like to do similar things like playing video games, on social media, and having fun.

Teens in Turkey have an exciting time having fun doing things and being supported by family but are very busy with school.

Through this process, by making a connection, I learn that my family would fit right in living in Turkey by being a family first and supportive family.

My family would fit right in living in Turkey by being a family first and supportive family.

The family life and culture of culture of Turkish families makes my family a great match for Turkey.

By researching about Turkey I have come to find that my family will be able to live in Turkey, if we ever move there.

“Education in Turkey.” Education in Turkey, www.enjoyturkey.com/info/facts/Education.htm.

“Turkey - Family Life And Structure.” Single Parent, Development, Percent, and Children - JRank Articles, Net Industries, 2016, family.jrank.org/pages/1718/Turkey-Family-Life-Structure.html.

Https://www.facebook.com/drazen.zujovic. “59 Interesting and Fun Facts About Turkey.” Tour Via Me Blog, 2 Oct. 2015, blog.tourvia.me/59-interesting-and-fun-facts-about-turkey/.

Lingo, Dino. “Turkish Culture Facts for Children, Food, Clothes, Values, Music, Communication, Travel, Stories, Festivals and More.” Dino Lingo Blog, dinolingo.com/blog/2012/02/15/turkish-culture-facts-for-children-food-clothes-values-music-communication-travel-stories-festivals-and-more/#.WEt04-ArLnA.

Raising Children Network. “Teenagers and Free Time.” Free Time and Teenagers | Raising Children Network, 2016, raisingchildren.net.au/articles/teenagers_and_free_time.html.

That's Turkey Teens For Ya


Created with images by SEDACMaps - "Turkey: Population Density, 2000" • tpsdave - "istanbul turkey landscape" • Jorge Lascar - "The Gallipoli peninsula" • mypubliclands - "Grand Canyon-Parashant NM" • snotch - "The ruins of Ani" • Tom Ballard Photography - "D72_9899" • snotch - "16" • Nieve44/Luz - "King of the World!" • snotch - "24" • snotch - "14" • 7th Army Training Command - "Advanced High Angle Sniper-001" • mypubliclands - "Grand Canyon-Parashant NM" • 7th Army Training Command - "Hohenfels Training Area" • kenny barker - "sEaSCAPE" • mypubliclands - "Dominguez-Escalante NCA" • Free Grunge Textures - www.freestock.ca - "Turkey Grunge Flag"

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