Tour of the Harn By: Jonathan Hinds

Medium of the Art/Technique of the Artist

I had seen this piece of artwork many times before from people who had gone to the Harn before me. I found it very interesting that a tribal outfit would be in an art museum as I expected to see more paintings, sculptures, and photographs, however I never knew that there was an entire exhibit devoted to cultures of various regions. When the garment was put into perspective, it made much more sense as to why it was there and I began to appreciate it more. Its strategic location makes it appear to be greeting guests as they enter its portion of the museum. Upon viewing this piece of artwork, I became immediately more respectful for the remainder of the exhibit due to the history that lied in some of the pieces. It set the tone for the rest of my viewing experience.

Design of the Museum

The Asian Wing of the museum was my favorite by far. The natural light created by the large window which created its back wall was a phenomenal change of scenery as I entered the exhibit. I was instantly drawn to the lush green patio area in which I could not help but to sit down and relax for a while. The art in the museum was also more spaced out which made the room feel much more spacious. On reflection of my experience in the Asian Wing, I can only recall feeling an overwhelming sense of peace which tempted me to spend the remainder of the day in that specific part of the museum.

Art and Core Values

Viewing this natural exhibit as a form of art, I must reiterate the idea of how peaceful this specific piece made me feel. Generally, I feel at peace when in nature so having this exhibit in the middle of the Harn and in the middle of my busy day forced me to take a break from all of the hustle and bustle and appreciate the beautiful greenery which this exhibit offered. Likewise, it was a very nice day outside. It was my ideal weather which aided in my peaceful mood however short-lived it may have been. I may revisit the Harn simply for the purpose to relax in the Asian Wing.

Art and the Good Life

I found myself getting lost in this piece of artwork directly as I walked into the first exhibit of the museum. As my roommate went on to other pieces, I began to dissect this piece. Though it is intended to introduce the American wing of the museum, I took the words "American Abstraction" quite literally. Seeing how all the different colors and pieces in this sculpture came together to form one beautiful piece made me reflect on what America is supposed to look like. As our course touches on diversity throughout various themes, I saw this as a beautiful representation of what I see as a vital part of "The American Good Life."

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