Dakota Access Pipeline By: Blair Beasley

Development of Materials

Due to oversight and unsatisfactory investment of time and funding to the development of materials, shareholders will received a lower return on investment with DAP.

With proper reallocation of funding, stakeholders can reduce short and long term overhead. By reducing short term manufacturing costs, stakeholders can borrow less from investors reducing startup costs. By reducing long term costs, stakeholders can decrease the amount of time they wait for their investment to start producing capital without interest.

By running the pipeline 70 miles away from our current path to avoid open body(s) of water, we will need additional materials.

Having a change in litigation, it is within our abilities to increase our workforce by contracting additional local transport. Increase in job and contract opportunity along with protection of local water will raise community support. By focusing my internship on Development of Materials, we can properly investigate materials needed, precautions necessary, and quell any concerns by citizens.

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