
Making Makers MAKER SPACE 101

Making immerses students in utilizing 21st Century Skills. Making, transforms educational practices and moves from memorization to application of knowledge through abstract thinking.

21st Century Skills Consist of: * Communication *Collaboration *Critical Thinking *Creativity *Character *Citizenship

The essence of a maker is solving a problem that either already exists, builds on a current problem, or looks to solve problems in the future. Makers are innovators, tinkerers, creators, designers, and problem solvers. Makers are willing to take risks and step outside of the box.

A MakerSpace is a place, much like a home, museum, or classroom, all of which are infused with a purpose...making can happen anywhere but much like students who are involved in drama the auditorium inspires them. A maker space is where inspiration happens.

Making happens throughout the curriculum and across disciplines. It creates opportunities for perseverance, empowerment, and ownership!


Created with images by Sharon Vander Kaay - "Makers + Spaces" • Sharon Vander Kaay - "Makers + Spaces" • steveonjava - "Silicon Valley Code Camp"

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