Diary of a wimpy kid: The ugly truth By: Jeff Kinney

Genre and Biography

The genre of the book Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Ugly Truth is fiction. This book is written by Jeff Kinney, along with the other books in the Diary of a Wimpy Kid series. Jeff Kinney was born in 1971 in Maryland, he lived in the Washington D.C. area until 1995 when he moved to New England. Kinney was pushing to be a newspaper cartoonist, until one of his ideas, "Diary of a Wimpy Kid" caught the attention of people then he got the book published in 2006. Then the series of books followed soon after.


The setting of the book would take place mostly at Greg Heffley's house and the school he goes to. The time of this book takes place when Greg is getting older and going through the "akward" phase, starting his 6th grade year.


To sum this book up, Greg Heffley is starting a brand new school year and is at a standstill with his best friend Rowley Jefferson. Well since Greg is going into this new school year without a best friend, he decides to try and make a new best friend, but this doesn't work out for Greg. But Greg decides he is going to make this school year great but his plans don't turn out as well as he hoped.


Greg Heffley is a teenage boy who is on the verge of hitting puberty or the "awkward" phase. His friend Rowley Jefferson is also a teenage boy who is on the verge of this phase, towards the end of the book Rowley gets his first zit which angers Greg because Rowley is hitting this phase before him.

Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Ugly Truth


The theme of this book is a teenage boy who is going through his school years while on the verge of his "awkward phase" years. This boy Greg Heffley is trying t make his school years the best by being popular and making friends, but Greg's hopes are going to be let down.


The primary conflict in this book is Greg going through his awkward years and has obstacles in his way to be popular and make friends and avoid embarassment.


One quote from the book I like would be "Peachy Breeze Is Peachy Keen!" This quote comes from the peachy breeze ice cream commercial that Greg and his dad doesn't have. This is on page 24 Another quote would be "Kiss Me, Rex. Kiss Me To Help Me Snap Out Of My Amnesia!" This quote is when the maid Isabella is watching A soap opera with her friends when Greg's mom comes home from the library.


  • Joshie- A pop singer that s introduced at the beginning of the book, Rowley's favorite.
  • Cool Brian- A mentoring service for young boys, Greg talks about this when he sees Rowley with a Cool Brian guy.
  • Jordan Jury- The boy in the grade above Greg, the coolest kid in his grade.
  • Isabella- This the Heffley's maid.
  • S.- This stands for the S in the parenting book Greg's grandpa has, the S stands for spanking Rodrick if he ever leaves the house before asking.


  • www.wimpykid.com
  • ww.Funbrain.com


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