Meet Ventura #Girlsintechkc

Ventura Rangel’s passion is creativity, which she expresses in many forms--from crocheting a blanket to cooking a delicious meal to making a new app.

“I use technology as an outlet to express myself creatively,” she says. “Taking an idea and vision and turning it into something that can be enjoyed not only by myself, but by others, is rewarding.”

Currently a stay-at-home mom who enjoys technology, teaching, crafting and event planning, Ventura is primarily self taught when it comes to tech.

“I use my free time to pursue the things I am passionate about. I have taken some college classes, but I have used online tools and mentors to learn more on my own.”

She urges girls to dismiss the notion that the computer science/tech field is just “too hard” to pursue.

“Just like anything else in the world, it takes a little time and effort to understand how you can relate it to something else you’re already familiar with,” Ventura says.

To those considering the field, she adds: “Go for it!! Give it an honest try and have fun!”

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