Kent Brown Kent is a farmer

Kent Brown was born May 3, 1979 at Cozad, Nebraska. Kent Brown was born in Cozad because that's where his family lived and it was the closest hospital.

Kent has only one sibling that is Karla Zima. Karla was born first and then Kent was born second. Karla has one kid. Kent has four kids. Kent's wife is Shandra Brown. There kids are Kaleb, Kooper, Samuel, and Lily.

Kent's hobbies are hunting in the winter time and being at the lake in the summertime. Kent likes to hunt ducks and deer. Kent's career is farming. Kent lives north of Darr and that he where he does a lot of farming but he farms all over.

Kent went to a country school east of his house entail the seventh grade. From then on he went to Cozad public schools. When he graduated he went to college. Kent went to Curtis for college. He graduated and worked at the feed lot and then pursued farming.

Kent has a lot of impact on people. He feeds a lot of people by farming. He also has an impact on me Kaleb. I help him with farming and he shows me the ways to farm.


Created with images by BenjaminNelan - "hen farmyard farm" • steve p2008 - "untitled image" • bairli1 - "one room school country school rural" • Michel Curi - "John Deere 7210 R"

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