Tundra NORTHERN Canada

Climate of the Tundra in Northern Canada

  • The average rainfall is around 18 inches per year, maximum is 20 inches, and the minimum is 4.3 inches
  • The average temperature is about -20 degrees fahrenheit, the maximum is around 65 degrees fahrenheit, and the minimum is -40 degrees fahrenheit
  • The tundra doesn't really have seasons it's more of a very long winter with a short mild season that passes for summer

Net Primary Productivity

The latitude and of 65 degrees north. Compared to the other biomes on the Net Productivity Scale the Tundra is extremely low. It also takes up 22% of the earth's land mass. it also has the lowest percentage rainfall annually.

Soil Quality

The Tundras soil is very poor in nutrients which is the reason for its low vegetation and their is also a layer of ice under the soil called permafrost which is frozen all year long that doesn't allow for deep rooted plants to grow

The Peregrine Falcon travels to the northern Canadian tundra quite often. The reason for being on the endangered watch list is because of the pesticide DDT (habitat destruction and fragmentation part of HIPPCO) many of the falcons were being killed because of premature births.

The European green crab is a very invasive species as it is eating up almost all of the plankton in the ocean leaving no more for all the other animals to feed upon causing the starvation and dropping of population in many species.

the wolves that live in the tundra are almost perfect hunters as they use their size in packs to out smart their prey for an easy hunt. Also their dark and white fur is perfect for blending in with the snow

the white hare is one of the weakest in the food chain of the icy tundra but it uses it small size and speed to outrun its predators. It also uses its white fur to blend in with the snow so it can hide in plain sight without being spotted

the caribou like to travel in large packs so that they can protect each other from predators trying to hunt them down. And if that fails they have long sharp antlers to fight off predators that get to close.

Bear-berries are a species of a dwarf shrub that can survive in subarctic temperatures. The plant is picked in the summer time so that it can be used in many remedies and medicines

This plant has made itself to adapt to the icy conditions of the tundra as it lays on the bottom of icy lake and reproduces by shooting spores out from itself that need to be wet to reproduce.

The Pasque flower grows low to the ground to keep away from the brutal climate of the tundra. It is also covered in fine silky hairs that help keep it insulated. Also it helps with dealing with cataracts.


Created with images by diapicard - "arctic fox mammal fox" • BldrJanet - "falcon raptor bird" • Ruth and Dave - "Little green crab" • Metassus - "Wolf" • skeeze - "snowshoe hare rabbit bunny" • B. W. Townsend - "P1070020" • ChadoNihi - "lingonberry cowberry red whortleberry" • Kitty Terwolbeck - "Wet wet wet - soggy hiking ground" • chaz jackson - "Pasque Flower"

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