Traveling Through American History BATTLE OF bULL RUN



What happened here?

President Lincoln pushed the leader of the Union army to attack the confederate forces, which were stationed along Bull Run. On July 21st, 1861, both armies had plans to attack the other. However, both had problems that caused delays in the fighting. Union soldiers began shooting at the confederate forces. When reinforcements for the confederate soldiers arrived, they fought back harder and pushed the union army back until they retreated to Washington, helping the Confederates win the battle.

YOU should visit!

Visitors can tour Henry Hill, site of the Confederate post. You can tour Matthew's Hill, Sudley Ford, or Chinn Ridge where many battles took place. There is a museum and orientation film to the battlefield. There is a statue of Thomas J. Jackson. As you can see, there are plenty of fun things for visitors to experience here!


Created with images by dbking - "_MG_3791" • dbking - "_MG_3731" • dbking - "_MG_3350" • Ron Cogswell - "General Philip Kearney Statue -- Arlington National Cemetery (VA) 2012"

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