Fact file about David attenborough related to living things By Omer


.David Attenborough is only scared of one animal and that is a rat!

.He is a wild life presenter

.David has said he doesn't love animals but is fascinated by animals

.David Attenborough has travelled a whopping 256,000 miles in order to film the life of birds!

.He is also a naturalist

.Here are his 10 most favorite animals

1. The black lion tamarin

2. The Sumatran Rhino

3. The Solenodon

4. The Olm salamander

5. The Marvellous Spatuletail humming bird

6. Darwin’s frog

7. Sunda pangolin

8. Priam’s birding butterfly

9. Northern Quoll

10. Venus’s flower basket

.His least favorite animal is a rat



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