10 Best Cities To Vist

#10 New York City

I want to go there becasue that place does not sleep, and I do not like to sleep.It does not cost much to stay there to sleep or to stay there for a couple nights.

#9 Orlando Florida

I want to go parsailing there and swim with dophins. I also want to go and stay in there nice condows.

#8 Las Vegas

In Las Vegas you can gamble big time as stay up late also. I would also like to eat a bunch of food there.

#7 Los Angeles

There I want to go see the Walk-Of-Fame. I also want to take a walk along the Venice Beach.

#6 New Orleans, Louisianna

Here I want to take a Mississippy River cruse. That is what I would do there. what I want to do is Shop and golf there, to just have fun.

#5 Denver, Colorado

I want to come here because I want to do stuff all year long everyday. On thing I want to do is Ice skating and tubing.

#4 Anchorage, Alaska

Here I wnat to go to vist the world largest country waterpark. I want to come here because I think it will be fun and something new to try.

#3 Honolulu, Hawaii

I want to go here because of the beaches and the condos, and the great sight. The thing I want to do the most his go simming in there clear water.

#2 San Antonio, Texas

I want to go here because I want to see the cool and amzing Riverwalk. One thing I want to do is just stay up hang out with my family.

#1 Hershey, Pennsylvania

What I want to do hear is eat all the chocolate in the vactory. I also want to go in the vactory to see how everything is done.


Created with images by Ronile - "statue of liberty new york ny" • Andy Morffew - "You put your right leg in.........." • jdnx - "Las Vegas Strip" • tpsdave - "los angeles california city"

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