Cinco De Mayo

This Holiday is celebrated in mainly the USA and Mexico
It is celebrated on the 5th of May, it is celebrated on this day because the Mexicans won the battle of Puebla over the French
They usually, as customs, dress up as soldiers to react the battle, play music, and it is known as a happy time.
They often serve Mexican food, Margaritas, and non alcoholic margaritas for the kids.
They often hold parades and decorate the parades with lots of flowers.
Although this is a minor holiday, it is very important to the culture, they felt it gave them more freedom because they won the war.
Cinco De Mayo can be comparable to the 4th of July. They both represent a day of freedom.
They are celebrated differently, They "fight" a war and we light off fireworks.

Bibliography: Winchester, Faith. Hispanic Holidays. Mankato, MN: Bridgestone, 1996. Print.

Created By
Kalob Runyon


Created with images by RussBowling - "Puebla, Mexico" • RussBowling - "Puebla, Mexico" • Blok 70 - "Toronto" • Tim Green aka atoach - "Way Out" • ustung - "Egypt (Aswan) Ancient Egyptian Gods" • Wendelin Jacober - "Emotional Universal" • eperales - "Macro flag" • bayasaa - "Fireworks" • Arcaion - "the military infantry the army"

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