Tour at the Harn Museum of Art Alejandro medina

Medium of Art / Technique of the Artist: The "Old's Man Cloth" by El Anatsui is a great piece of art which I could definitely appreciate better at person than rather looking at a picture on the internet. It is one of those pieces that makes you vibrate and you only get that feeling by appreciating it live. I found striking from the artist his precision to incorporate the colors in the Cloth and shape to make it look "old". Anatsui's use of the discarded bottle tops of brand - name liquor bottles made me feel that there is always a use for things in life, that we can recycle and start over in a better way.

Design of the Museum: The exhibit I found more appealing to my eyes was the Cofrin Asian Wing. I enjoyed a lot the use of light in the room, the open area at the back of the exhibit with the Asian - like garden. It was beautiful and compensated the wood floors inside, it made you feel like you were really in an Asian home. Overall, the use of space complemented with the art work and the well - designed patio makes this area, for me, the most appealing among all.

Art and Core Values: Among all the art at this museum, the "Champ d'avoine" (Oat Field) by Claude Monet appealed to my sense of awareness and appreciation of the beauty in the world. That value of appreciating the beautiful landscapes that are a gift from god and we sometimes let it slide being distracted with our phone or other electronics. This master piece portrays a beautiful and relaxing landscape that made me think in my life, and the beautiful landscapes I've appreciated. This painting gave me joy, joy of being alive and to share this beautiful gift with my loved ones.

Art and the Good Life: The piece below is the Buffalo mask by Nunuma people. This piece conveys to the Good Life in the embodying part because it is a mask that portrays the culture of this African tribe with a lot of pride and joy. It was a nice piece for me to see because of it's shape and uniqueness among facial accessories that Nunuma hunters used to encounter wild animals. This kind of pride and recognition is for me embodying the Good Life, kind of like Frida Kahlo who had her eyebrow as a trademark.

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