Year in Review 2016: Superhero Movies Rachel strom

All titles from 2016

Ranking from worst to best: Batman v Superman, Suicide Squad, X-Men, Doctor Strange, Deadpool, and Captain America.


Deadpool was the first superhero movie to be released in 2016. The film has been praised many times for its portrayal of the dark, sarcastic hero. Deadpool consists of very crude language but is overall a hoot. The story line proved to be simple and effective, it is standalone but uses some humor to break the fourth wall during the film, and it used its rated-R rating to its advantage. The film itself was rated an 84% on Rotten Tomatoes and received a gross income of $783 million at the box office.

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Batman v Superman was anticipated for about 3 years before being released in 2016. The movie got an overall rating of 27% on Rotten Tomatoes and had a total box office gross of $873 million. Although the ratings of the movie were terrible, many audiences gathered to see the film across the globe. However, it is rated and ranked as one of the worst superhero movies.

Captain America: Civil War

Captain America is considered one of the best superhero films of 2016, if not all time. The newly introduced characters, gripping plot, detailed oriented combat scenes, slight humor, and lack of an overwhelming army of bad guys make the film stand out more in a viewer´s mind. The movie got a 90% on Rotten Tomatoes and made a total gross of $1.15 billion in the box office.

X-Men: Apocalypse

X-Men was considered one of the worst movies of 2016 and of the X-Men universe. The plot started off solid but then fell short when it spent too long developing the new villain´s team of evil and then continued to decline when it consisted of more of one character being angsty and having to have people calm him down. The film received a 48% on Rotten Tomatoes and had an income of $543 million, more than any other X-Men movie.

Suicide Squad

Sadly, Suicide Squad was also not well received by many. The film received a 26% on Rotten Tomatoes and had an income of $745 million from the box office. Although the income was high, the reviews do not support the making of the film. Many audience members had issues with the cringe-worthy writing, the unnecessary or confusing flashbacks and the overlaying of music on top of dialogue.

Doctor Strange

Doctor Strange, the last superhero film of 2016, has been described as ¨transfixing,¨ and ¨beautiful.¨ The film consists of some of the most pleasing and detailed oriented computerized visuals of any movie. Yes, there is a chance you will get dizzy or develop vertigo, but the images are intricate and stunning. Benedict Cumberbatch´s performance allows for a narcissistic character to develop into the humor filled hero he becomes. The film had a box office gross of $654 million and received a 90% on Rotten Tomatoes.

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