Tyler Perry

Tyler Perry is a world renown comedian, actor, filmmaker, writer, and singer. But his life wasn't always that way. He had a tough and painful childhood, but he managed to overcome it and become who he is today.
Perry was born in New Orleans, Louisiana, as Emmitt Perry Jr. He has three siblings and his dad was a carpenter.
Problem: Perry once said that his father's "answer to everything was to beat it out of you." Perry once went so far as to commit suicide in effort to escape his father's beatings. At age 16 he legally changed his first name to Tyler to further himself from his father.
Many years later he saw the movie Precious, and was able to relate. He was molested by his mothers friend at the age ten. He was also molested by three men prior to this and later learned that his dad molested his friend.
Perry immersed himself in making movies and plays and despite the terrible reviews at first he persevered and now is worth 160 million dollars.

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