The Challenge of Ski Racing By:Briana LaMountain


In order to ski race, you have to have the right clothing and equipment.In order to have the right equipment and clothing try,and ask your parents to go to a ski store to buy you clothing and equipment.The equipment that you need is, ski boots that fit you,snow pant,snow coat,thermal clothing,ski poles (recommended),ski/snowboard goggles,and a helmet that fits you. To find the right size of the snow pants,helmet,ski boots,ski poles, and a snow coat, Feel free to ask a clerk(someone who sells stuff at a store or business). They should be able to help you find the right size with all of the stuff you need. Those are the clothing and equipment you will need for ski racing.

Here is a brand of ski's and you can buy this brand or a different brand


In Ski Racing there are many rules.Here are the rules, Rule#1. If you miss a gate or go around it wrong,the gate judges (someone that works at a race and watches kids race)will see and give you a DSQ( Someone that is disqualified). Rule#2,If you fall or go out of the course that is a DNF(someone that did not finish something). In Addition,Rule#3,If you miss you’re starting number or time you get a DNS (someone that didn't start something they were supposed to do). These are some rules in ski racing.

This is a graph of all the rules of Ski Racing

Ways to Win

This is what you can earn if you come in first,they also give out 2nd,and 3rd, place medals

There is many ways to win.To win, you have to get your skis waxed,have a good edge (A ski that is sharp so that you can carve into the snow), try your best. Also,to try to win you have to believe in yourself at all times. Try and trick your brain into thinking you can do it ,even if you do not believe you can. That is some ways you can try to win.


In Ski Racing, you have to have good sportsmanship. To have good sportsmanship (to be positive) is to say “good job” or “great job”.Even if you come in last or come in first, you should always have good sportsmanship not matter what.Those are some examples of having good sportsmanship.


In ski racing there,are a certain (a pacific thing)amount of racers. The amount of at the max (farthest something can go)is 250. In addition, there is a minimum (lowest something can go) which is 2-4. It depends on the people there is. At a huge race,Normally there is 195,and at a small race there is 45-60 people. These are the amount of racers in ski racing.

The black line is going around the blue and red gates, the red and blue "gates" are just extra gates if a gate breaks or falls out.

"Dream big,but don't be upset,if it doesn't happen" Mikaela Shiffrin. A Olympian ski racer, My inspiration.

This is Mikaela Shiffrin going around a gate


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