Living With Alzheimer's by: Alyssa REske

Meet Jerilyn Reske. Born in New York 1942
She Married Hans Heiko Reske, a german engineer in 1960 at the age of 18. together they traveled all of Europe and most of south America. They eventually settled in Ontario Canada.
Jerilyn had two sons. the oldest was named Doug and the Youngest was named Derek (Pictured above). When it was time for their Children to go to college Hans and Jerilyn moved to Texas.
Later Jerilyn became a grandmother and had her grandchildren call her GG. She took her family on trips and taught all her granddaughters how to sew and knit ("Just the essentials"). It was on a trip to Pagosa springs Colorado (Pictured above) where everyone realized GG was having trouble remembering things. She would walk inside the wrong cabin and constantly lose/ misplace her belongings. The rest of the family suggested seeing a doctor, but GG's husband Hans refused to believe there was anything wrong with her. meanwhile, the Alzheimer's progressed.
After 5 years of progression she saw a doctor and was prescribed a medication thought to slow down dementia. conversations became more difficult, but she was comforted by her service dog whom she'd talk to whenever she was confused.
Alzheimers is a decease we have all learned to live with. we are all so incredibly lucky to have a grandmother who is so kind and loving. now that we are taking care of her, we are glad to do so because she is such an amazing woman and treated us so well when she was able. Now it's our turn to love and take care of her.

Created By
Alyssa Reske

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