Van Gogh Biografy and his painting style


Dutch painter. In the final decades of the XIXth century, the impressionism marked the beginning of a deep renewal of the plastic arts that would have continuity in the succession of ismos or currents of the contemporary art.

Vincent van Gogh was the biggest of six children of a Protestant shepherd, and it maintained with its brother Theo, four less than years he, a relation that would be determinant in its existence and in its artistic trajectory. The mail that both exchanged along its lives bears witness to the intimacy of this relation and the passions and human and creative anxiety that tormented Van Gogh in its last years. After receiving a careful education in a private boarding school, at the age of sixteen it entered like beginner the branch of The Hague of the Parisian art gallery Goupil, a merchants' society of art founded by its uncle Vincent.

Techniques he use

Early Years:

Largely self-taught, van Gogh´s technique grew out of the idea that to be a great painter you had to first master drawing. It was only when he was satisfied with his drawing technique that he began adding color.

In 1882 van Gogh began experimenting with lithography and went on to create a series of ten graphic works: nine lithographs and one etching. The Potato Eaters was intended for the marketplace and he made a lithograph of the piece so that it reached a broader audience.

Middle Years:

Many people consider van Gogh's letters to be another form of artwork because they include sketches of pieces he was working on or had just finished, and they show the progression of his masterpieces.

Advanced Years:

Vincent van Gogh painted over 30 self-portraits between the years 1886 and 1889, reflecting his ongoing pursuit of complementary colors and a bolder form. His collection of self-portraits places him among the most dynamic self-portraitists of all time.

How was Van Gogh inflated in his paintings

Moving to Paris 1886 had a dramatic and lasting effect on van Goghs work. Inspired by Impressionism and Post-impressionism he began using more vivid colors and experimented further with his technique. He also spent time researching the styles of Japanese artwork.

In Paris van Gogh was also influenced by painters such as Gauguin, Pissarro, Monet, and Bernard and developed a close friendship with Gauguin who eventually became one of the biggest artistic influences on van Gogh. The pair met in Paris in 1887 and later lived together in Arles where they adopted a similar technique of applying paint more thickly and using heavy brushstrokes. Their themes were also very similar at this time, mainly landscapes and local people.

Even when Gauguin left Arles and moved to Paris, his influence on van Gogh was obvious; van Gogh began painting from memory, as Gauguin had done, and this resulted in his works becoming more decorative and less accurate.

The potato eaters

This painting of Van Gogh is called the Potatoe Eater it was painted in 1885, this picture it is located in Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam, Netherlands. This foto represent four nanny eating potatoes and she are very por and she are old.


The technique of Van Gogh it is a very difficult technique because you need to do a lot of stroques and al saw to do them little and precise in conclusion I think Van Gogh had a intense and good life replete of effort.

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